Saturday, March 26, 2022

Surrender and Devotion

Surrender and devotion: 

of surrender and devotion - and it's my sense that this is absolute, a complete seeing that there is nothing else but life in constant letting go and then a reclaiming of itself through new and various forms. Life is devoted to its own continuation, to its expression of divine wonder and self worship. We see this through every aspect of nature, of a flower's surrender and devotion shown through roots deep through earth, petals spread to the warmth of sun and nourishment of rain. With this a flower offers itself as a blossom for pollination, for its essence to continue through a bee's worship of its bloom. Life is always in this process of surrender and devotion, letting go itself in one particular form in order to carry on through new appearance. We see that everything is temporary, fleeting in its singular expression, and yet lasting too through the essence of its cause. 

our surrender and devotion is just the same, we are only more complicated than a flower by mere degrees, but our essence is the same. We're life, rooted too in earth, dependent on sun for the warmth of our existence. We could say that a spiritual life is one of awareness to our brief expression, a bittersweet gift of knowing ourselves as a seasonal bloom and surrendering to each moment as if it were our very last. In truth no moment will ever again be repeated, and our devotion isn't to time but to each momentary expression of a self in the beauty of its bloom, even in the process of our surrender. 

and it's my sense that right now I'm letting go of all I've ever been before, everything I've ever believed was mine is slipping through my false grip of time. It's just surrender and devotion now, life in brief display of this particular form, never again to be repeated. How could I not be in worship to each and every moment? This, right now, is all I have and it's not mine to own or even briefly hold, already gone in the very moment of my cherished view. My true and only worship is to motion, to my own complete and utter surrender to all that's found now, and now, and now. 

my devotion is to the briefness of this moment. 

even as I wish for something more. 

life itself, it's all simply surrender and devotion.


Peace, Eric 

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