Saturday, September 9, 2023

No Endpoint in Mind

No endpoint in mind: 

with no endpoint in mind, or at least not any longer, and even the original intent seems only like a faint idea. My practice of yoga, meditation, methods of self-inquiry, they're all focused on the act alone, done only for the sake of my enjoyment and the benefits that seamlessly follow their performance. That's become enough for me right now, with a single asana opening me to the entire universe, a breath gaining my complete attention, my mantra's vibration carrying me deep within the once hidden realms of my own existence. If there's anything beyond this it will have to arrive to me here. 

I'm without a search.  


even as I face my sorrows. 

and that's my true path of yoga, just meeting life as it is, with an asana being a microcosm of an entire lifetime before coming to this pose, and that I've now been given this moment to finally accept it all, forgiving myself through this ritual of single focus - breathing, holding the posture for an immeasurable instant...abiding in a sense of calm awareness. 

with no endpoint in mind,

everything's accepted. 

exactly as it is. 


Peace, Eric 

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