Thursday, July 27, 2023

Of Fox and Owls

Of fox and owls: 

most mornings and I'm out the door before sunrise, right at that edge before first light hints along the horizon.There's now an added reason for this early time, an urge to walk the paths in hope of an encounter with my neighborhood fox and owls, both present, but not seen for quite some time. I have no idea why this feels like such a strong reason, only that it's present, perhaps a wildness of my own that's in need of seeing it's reflection through animals and landscape. 

there are other reasons as well for being out so early, all valid and easily explained, but my pursuit of fox and owls is a mystery, making it all the more powerful in its urge. I am called to stalk these animals though a sense of curiosity and wonder, just a sight to satisfy my own wild nature, knowing that they're near and surviving well on the edge woods and suburban homes. 

for whatever reasons, I'm drawn outside before sunrise...

in hope of an encounter.

it's probably been over a year since I last caught sight of a fox, several near misses as others have reported that they've seen one just a head. I hear owls often, their wild call always thrills me to the depth of bone, and only a few months ago one swooped closely overhead. I think knowing that both these elusive creatures are present, right near my home, is enough for me, and that I'm most happy to be hopeful of a sighting, that there's a possibility of an encounter. 

what I'm really stalking than, is magic, mystery,

symbolized by the wild beauty of fox and owls. 

and that's what seems to call to me each morning, a powerful urge drawing me outside, pursing that sense of magic and mystery, a vision quest really, stalking the presence of a deep wilderness that's found just as truly within my own inner landscape. In essence than, it doesn't matter what I actually see on these early morning walks, everything's revealed as a reflection of soul, aspects of a singular reality that shows me the variety of its beauty through all that I encounter. 

yet still ever hopeful...

of fox and owls. 


Peace, Eric 

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