Sunday, July 23, 2023

Being Self-Aware

Being self-aware: 

it's fascinating to consider that consciousness is purely a physical process caused by the brain, energy organized in such away that a collection of elements, no different in essence than those of a tree, but somehow, through a certain alchemical magic - we're aware of ourselves and the world around us. This is truly the basis of alchemy, matter is literally converted to the gold of consciousness, the mere dust of bodies somehow gain a sense of being self-aware. 

of course it might not be true...

consciousness could be fundamental to the very core of existence.

everything being self-aware.

scientist and philosophers have no clear idea either way, many holding suspicions on either side of the issue, with much debate between them. I'm neither scientist nor philosopher, my opinion matters little, and yet I am as fully conscious as any great mind, having tools at my disposal to explore this as deeply as any other. My laboratory is my own quiet mind, an experiment of tracing thoughts back to stillness and simply waiting for the next one to appear.  

abiding in silence. 


without a sense of self found present.

only a witness to the entire process...

and even this will disappear. 

this doesn't prove anything, not  really, other than my own satisfaction of my bias - consciousness seems fundamental to me, a fabric of reality that's unable to be removed from my thoughts concerning it. I don;t find it to be a hard problem at all, however consciousness emerges is magic, mysterious, and doesn't require any answers. 

not from me at least.

it's enough simply being self-aware. 


Peace, Eric 

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