Wednesday, July 19, 2023

It's Own Pleasure

It's own pleasure:

it's not that it has to lead anywhere or that we are meant to achieve anything, meditation is it's own pleasure, a quiet mind that reveals itself through breath or mantra - any benefit aside from this simply arises as a bonus to the occasion. I do believe that meditation initiates awakening, maybe not always or too everyone, but it softens the hold to self identity and in the right moment, auspicious, there comes an urge to let go, surrendering to the spaciousness forever at hand...

and nothing really happens.

although everything has changed. 

a quite remarkable accident it seems. 

as for me, I continue to sit in meditation. I'm not seeking anything other than this moment on the cushion, a quiet mind is still its own pleasure and I cherish this time of sitting in the early morning. The world arrives to me here, easily so, and I'm available for whatever will arise. In this way I simply greet the morning, matching my silence with the world's, being more truly a recognition that it's really a single hold, seamless, not a quiet mind at all but an intimate capacity that allows the morning to arrive. 

easily so.

and entirely for its own pleasure.


Peace, Eric 

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