Friday, July 28, 2023

It Seems

It Seems: 

it seems almost sacrilegious to enter certain sounds into the morning's hush, breaking silence for the sake of noise that doesn't belong to these hours. I feel most myself before sunrise and the moments just after, my thoughts are sparse, essential, and I fit more quietly into my morning routine. This is where inspiration appears, there's more room for a grand idea to find me and reach towards my fingers, and even the keyboards respond in hushed tones to my typing, everything's softly inspired in their own way. 

it seems almost holy. 

of course sounds always arrives, often abruptly, harsh. The world sometimes wakes with such a rush to makes its entrance known to the morning. Not naturally though, with nature being softer in it's waking, as even songbirds in their early chorus seem to first test the air with a tentative note, almost afraid to break the hold of silence with the beauty of their song. Listening, attentive, and I can catch each note as it softly emerges, not yet a song until embraced by the quiet of the morning, vibrations finding their home in the silence of the air and only then being heard as music. 

through silence, this is where inspiration appears.

where vibrations reach the point of song.

so it seems almost sacrilegious for any small disturbance, with any noise being a form of violence committed against these holy hours  - yet listening, attentive, and I find that silence itself is never truly disturbed, remaining open, spacious, an allowing presence through its embrace of every sound.


being holy. 


Peace, Eric 

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