Friday, December 9, 2022

True Spirituality

True spirituality: 

that it's all spirit, or perhaps some would prefer to call it energy, maybe consciousness, or even God, our name for this existence doesn't really matter - it's all cooperation, attraction, points of individuality working for the seamless function of the whole. True spirituality is simply the recognition of this, living our lives as if every aspect of life mattered in a deep and meaningful way, that everything is sacred in some deep and meaningful way. This, of course, is different than religion, there's no theology here, nothing is worshiped as a separate source from life itself. 

our lives, here, now, is what's found holy. 

that's true spirituality, or my definition at least, and it's all inclusive, no dividing lines of what appears to be only my concern, everything serves in someway, even if it's beyond my current understanding. I trust that life has its own sure wisdom, that it's built into the deep fabric of its very nature, an intelligence that is curious and evolving, self-aware. My proof is my own existence, being made of the same stuff as found throughout the cosmos, gases and elements constructed by atoms, and that atoms themselves vibrate towards each other by some intentional attraction, an urge to be something larger than they are alone, the truest act of their unconditional service and love.  

honestly, we don't have to call this anything at all, it's not true spirituality, not really, it's just how life happens, science described in some a romantic sense. But we're storytellers by our very nature, creating languages to describe the world and communicate our sense of beauty and awe to each other. Science is a story told through investigation, experiments repeated, observation. The story of true spirituality is similar in a way, based upon a deep contemplation of our inner world and its seamless contact to what appears to be the entire cosmos of our existence. It's no less real than the story science tells, only more personal, intimate, placing ourselves firmly in the story. 

true spirituality is our self-description.

it's our story told from that single act of a particles vibration...all the way to the construction of our world, and further still - 

the cosmos as the soul of our existence. 

or at least that's how this story goes. 


Peace, Eric 

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