Sunday, December 25, 2022



it's transcendence, and every moment holds this grace, just an easy recognition that the world holds more than the present felt reality, a largeness that invites our stay even if only for an instant. We don't transcend the ordinary world, the truth is that it's all extraordinary, magical, changing right before us. What's transcended is our place in the world, our view is traded from looking outwards to a more direct participation, going from a place of insular seclusion to belonging fully to everything that's found. It's simply engaging more deeply with the present moment...

 intimately so.

and mostly it occurs through grace, happening spontaneously on it's own, a glimpse at first and then our view expands as we grow to recognize that all of reality is our true nature, no part excluded. That's how we awaken it seems, suddenly, and yet it's often felt to be in stages, a moment of clear seeing and then a slow expansion of a greater sense of what we truly are.


but ultimately, everything's happening now, at once.

with nothing to transcend.

really this is just a play of words here, thoughts on an indescribable instant arranged in lyrical form, creative licence given for sake of morning's worth of writing. Everything is transcendence in a certain way, nature, reality, a constant motion of particles transcending their vibrational sense to gather as an atom which in turns attracts to others for am even larger state, gathering as form in creation of the world. Some moments we are graced to intuitively know this, deeply so, a transcendence of small beliefs to a grander of who we's ordinary, happening every moment. 

yet extraordinary, magical, just the same. 


Peace, Eric 

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