Saturday, December 10, 2022

This Is Grace

This is grace: 

that I am at all is pretty astonishing, life simply arrived for me,  from absolutely nothing before - and then I'm here, awake, thriving, and conscious that it's so. This is grace, that it's all unasked for, gifted to me, and in such a way that shows me that I'm deeply cared for. Everything was set up perfectly for my arrival, an entire universe of support and arranged for my convenience. My very first breath was drawn from an abundance of air, a sky full, just waiting for that initial inhalation. There is a sun set in the exact distance for my warmth and comfort, offering light for trees baring fruit, crops nourished by its rays, a life-force given freely to the world. 

and this is just the obvious.

the universe itself had to be arranged perfectly so for my creation, stars eons in their own making, and then exploding in order for the proper elements to exist. This is my origin story, owing my existence to the grace of stars. My very foundation is made from those basic elements of exploding stars, with the exclusion of two that were created through the actions of the Big Bang, so the initial birth of space and time were the first points of my creation. 

this is grace, everything, that it's all provided, a universe arranged for my existence.

some scientist believe in random chance, insisting on the accidental nature of it all - and perhaps it's so, I know better than to argue with great minds, and honestly, have little interest in doing so. For me, this is grace, unasked for, given to me from a stars existence, an entire universe arranged for me to be here. None of it seems random, there's too much love here. it's too personal. 

this is where I belong, this moment, now, here.

this is grace. 


Peace, Eric 

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