Friday, November 18, 2022

Ritual of Our Embodiment

 Ritual of our embodiment: 

here's what's occurring right now, just a few of the infinite things that are happening for us to be alive and thriving as an expression of life, it's the ritual of our embodiment. We are vibrated into being, somehow, many physicist suggest the role of Strings that are so much smaller than even the tiniest particle imagined and that from their particular arrangement and vibrations the physical universe becomes in the form larger, more familiar particles, that in turn build into atoms. With this we have our own raw material, a template now for our construction, atoms forming molecules, followed by our individual cells, and soon the vital parts that make a functioning body.

 of course the entire universe is involved as well, the perfect placement of the sun to make this a livable world, moon being charged with stability of climate and motion of the ocean's tide, rainfall, trees acting in exchange of gas for breathable air, and that everything that seems separate from our concern is in truth inter-acting for the benefit of all. 

and so we have our familiar life.

and that it evolved from a near eternity of changing form, a sea-life of single cell, continuously adapting to the atmosphere, striving in varieties of life and improvement of survival. There is an endless strand of DNA that traces us to the roots of the ocean floor all the way mankind's earliest expression. We are here because our ancestors found ways to thrive within the world, exploring through harsh environments, being capable of change and clever in their approach to staying alive. They tie us here, to earth and elements, having evolved to the very point of who we are. 

all of this is essential to the ritual of our embodiment.

but only in prelude, just a basic understanding that we bodies of earth as well as stars, we are vibrations from cosmic strings of energy, we are the DNA of ancestors traced all the way to the ocean's floor. We are first life. Our ritual of embodiment is on-going, right now it's our current breath drawn through the cooperation of the entire ecosystem of life involved, it's the grace of our bodies acting in benefit from smallest cell to every vital organ, that we are alive without having to give any of this a single thought at all. Everything is involved in this ritual of embodiment, nothing can be excluded from this, and still with all that's mentioned it's mystery of who we are, how we became aware that we are conscious participants of this whole affair. 

but we are...

and that's the true and only ritual of our embodiment.

we are life, of earth and stars, an ineffable beingness of light and imagination. solid and at once intangible. We are bodies and equal soul, a quality of spirit that cannot really be described. What we aware, 

and all this, 

is the ritual of our embodiment. 


Peace, Eric 

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