Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Earliest Light

Earliest light: 

it's important to consider earliest light, not emitted from stars themselves, and well before their formation actually, but the light that existed just moments from the Big Bang's sudden burst of energy, the universe in it's first formation of forming who we are. This earliest light, primordial, is present even now, it's what Astrophysicist call the Cosmic Microwave Background, being the afterglow of the original expansion, predating matter - and perhaps our first glimmer of a sense of self-awareness. I'm perfectly aware of this stretch of imagination, likening consciousness with with this ancient cosmic glow, and I can almost feel the weight of so many scientist's offering their frown as I type these words. 

yet this earliest light is indeed our common ancestor, as certainly as first human's evolution and earlier still to the single-celled organisms as life's original existence. More than an ancestor though, this is something that exist right now from the very hint to of our creation, it permeates our universal background, acting as the template for this cosmic scenery to unfold. It's actually what we are, our larger body really, intangible as form, energetic, and yes, being self-ware. 

of course I offer no proof of this, at least none that's provable to a scientific mind - but really though, it's not evidence I'm seeking, nor even confirmation. This earliest light is still existing now, inseparable from my own touch of the universe, acting as my energetic body. I am lit by this primordial light, shining as its self -awareness, and there is nothing of any true substance to disprove this. That I am aware, right now, is the result of all that's ever occurred before, I am the end point and on-going reach of this earliest light of creation, as we all are, evolving, co-creating...

a universe of our own existence. 


Peace, Eric 

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