Tuesday, November 8, 2022

A Few Words

A few words: 

it only takes a few words, my obligation isn't to fill the page, but only to note it briefly with my presence, showing that I arrived so early in the morning to allow myself this creative moment. Art is for its own sake, and the first commitment is always to simply show up, prepared for inspiration, being ready to capture whatever words or visions that happen to appear. Before dawn is best for this, being an instant between worlds, and with a hush that seems almost holy in its feel - it's the perfect time for poets to receive words, a shaman's time, a mystic's, it's when inspiration is heard most deep and clearly. 

and it only takes a few words.

the promise I made years ago, several decades now, was to write daily, making no excuses, not allowing myself to be concerned by inspiration, trusting in its presence, that it appears when I show up and commit myself to simply sit, listening to the silence of the early morning. My promise has little to do with writing anything of great meaning, there's just a mere hope for something of beauty - and all that's ever been asked for is a few words to show, confirming my faith in inspiration's presence, and to then leave a note behind that fulfills my promise to be here, listening, willing to receive those few words given.

not a single day's been missed.

it's been a fairly easy promise to keep, there's no pressure as to what's to be written, no count of words, nothing to be achieved. I'm writing for the sake of writing, a practice without purpose aside from joy, the happiness of being true to the nature of my dharma. I'm a writer, not by declaration, and certainly not by anything I've written before, the past has no hold on my present inspiration - I am a writer because of these few words now written, a brief note, and that I showed up this morning, sitting, listening, patient, having faith in inspiration's presence. 

I am a writer...

because I'm here. 


Peace, Eric 

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