Saturday, February 26, 2022

From Nothing

From Nothing: 

of something from nothing - and what makes this thought so hard to grasp is that even space and time are absent from this void, absolute in total emptiness, and yet somehow too the source for all we are. This is our regression, that we arrive to this point by removing every possibility until not a single concept remains, not even a mathematical equation that allows for the laws of physics to be applied. Nothingness is indeed, absolute. 

of course scientist debate what nothing really is, having done so for centuries, and the idea terrified ancient Greek philosophers so much that they refused to incorporate zero in their mathematical system even as the recognized its importance to complete some valued calculations. Nothingness can be truly frightening and maybe virtually impossible for us to understand. Again we come to regression and this time in a more personal manner. First seen is our bodies reduced to cells, followed by molecules and then atoms, everything smaller still until we reach the subatomic world of particles existing as a wave, not even measured until observed. Particles themselves are regressed even farther, or at least protons and neutrons are, with quarks being fundamental to their nature. At this point it's all theory, or mostly so, and we are free to pick our favorite one. Personally I love the concept of String theory, that the universe is now reduced to the thinnest strand imaginable and everything is brought forth through vibrations. This is our true evolution, something from what appears to be from nothing. 

yet still not absolute nothingness. 

and maybe this is as close to nothingness as we get, that there is always some possibility of existence no matter how remote, truly nothing simply being the vibrational patterns for what we already are. It's here that I rely on my sure seeing, a Heart Sutra discovered every instance, something in the immediacy of its empty hold, capacity serving for the emergence of my world. This is far from philosophy, without a trace of speculation, but simply seeing my own emptiness laying plain in view. Right now. This is the practice of seeing, it's applied cosmology for the momentary Big Bang of my expansion - looking first to objects of the world, solid in appearance, distinct with shape and color, and from here to trace them back to the source which holds their view. Look, truly and with innocence of expectations, what's found? My eyes will never see their actual source, emptiness always appears absent from the view, and yet reveals itself through everything that it holds, seamless, and at once. 


existing still...from nothing. 


Peace, Eric 

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