Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Everything Shines

Everything shines: 

that everything shines in this way, life in essence being light, available, and seen through the softness of our gaze. We see this in each other, our connection, our source found and shown together as a common bond. It's what we are, light itself, shining, existing through form and being. 

light is soul, not really ours as individual consciousness, but all of life, everything shines in this way, reflections of a single light shared between objects of the world, all made in essence by light, energy in creation of life. 

everything shines in this way. 

light brought energy to the world, we are the perfect distance from the sun to flourish and first organisms embraced it as their means to thrive. We exist now through the clever photosynthesis of early life, microbes basking in the giving light, absorbing sun to their very essence, and through this came a biodiversity of life, an ecosystem of invitation for other forms to evolve and share this light. 

of first vibration there was light, God's spoken words. 

"let there be light" 

our metaphor is darkness, completely absent of light, an absolute void of no creation - and then from some source there is the world, awareness, our sure sense of being alive. Let there be light, it's our prayer of every moment, to see ourselves truly as our own source of being. We are god's of our own creation, proclaiming ourselves to existence by seeing this source as a singular point of origin. True light is only in this very moment, right now, and our every prayer is simply a request to see that everything shines in this way, sunlit by existence. 

even God asked for light to show itself this way. 

indeed, everything shines. 


Peace, Eric 

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