Thursday, February 10, 2022

Everything's Forgiven

Everything's forgiven:

everything's forgiven through grace, instantly, and without any effort to remember to remember even our slightest hurt nor deepest wounds. It's a natural process of life, to move on towards the agenda of living, carrying scars of past encounters without malice given in return. We are meant to grow wiser, to leave bitterness behind and continue through the grace of each encounter. In truth, everything's forgiven in the very moment that it happens and only memory serves to hold us to the point of previous actions. Life itself always carries on. 

of course crimes are punished, and with wisdom gained we have the ability to be wary of future trust for those who've cause us harm. Forgiveness doesn't mean allowing ourselves to be harmed. What it is, most truly so, is harmony, being in accord with life's motion, and living with the grace that each moment offers as it continues without grudge nor concern of any future encounters. None of this means that we forget anything, anyone, who may have cause us harm. It simply means that we refuse to allow our precious energy to be wasted by the past. Life has already forgiven, already continuing in its flow of new beginnings. 

everything's forgiven through grace, our only role in this is to remember ourselves as life, an aspect of its continuation. Grace is bestowed, mysteriously and yet intimate to our essence. We are place in its care, always held near by its presence. There is no need to invoke grace, no reason to call out for our forgiveness, nor to ask that others to spared our anger and resentment. It's happened already, forgiveness in the very moment of transgression. 

that's grace.

yet rituals are helpful, providing us the energy to remember that life continues in its flow, never static, and that we've been carried by its currents. So we ask to be forgiven, we pay penance for past actions and seek ways to heal our present wounds. We seek grace. But these are all ways of returning is to the present moment, right now, where everything's forgiven. To complete any ritual only takes presence, to acknowledge this moment as reality, nothing needed outside the time that we've been given. It's always, and only now, an instant already holy and forgiven. 


Peace, Eric  

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