Tuesday, June 4, 2024



at a certain point our lives are called to service. Maybe not overtly so, with no grand gesture of turning our backs to the life we know and working solely for a charity, or perhaps not even noticed by anyone at all. Just a small, quiet life of serving others through infinite acts of care and love. That's the beauty of where my path has now brought me, surrendering my once great concerns for life to the more immediate care for others. 

again, small things.

but it feels enough for me.

I'm reminded of how Ramana Maharshi was once asked by a follower as to how we should treat others, and his reply was brought forth with a smile and the reminder that "there are no others" - and finally now, I seem to deeply understand this, more so, to intimately know that this is true. 

and so,

just a small, quiet life of service,

through infinite acts of love and care.

it seems perfectly natural now.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Lifetime of Practice

Also, please visit to buy: Grist Fr The Mill

Thank you. 

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