Monday, August 14, 2023

Slightly Favoring

Slightly favoring: 

it's only slightly favoring of the mantra, not at the exclusion of other thoughts, but with a bit more attention placed on returning to the sound, allowing its vibration to settle the mind completely on its own. There's no need for us to concentrate nor give effort to the task. Really, it's just the joy of leaving the mind alone, non-interference with the natural flow of thoughts. 

every thought-stream eventually returns to the ocean of consciousness. 

in truth, it never left at all. 

meditation is the art of slightly favoring the mantra, nothing is manipulated to achieve a specific state and we're not searching for an end result of silence. Everything happens on it's own, completely so, and our only role is to gently bring the mantra back to mind, innocently, recognizing our thoughts at play and that the mantra is simply our return point. 

it's the easiest meditation that I know of because no thought or sensation is excluded, there's no force of attention here, nor is it an act of concentration. Mindfulness occurs as a natural process of a settled mind, a by product of our practice. Again, we're only slightly favoring the mantra, a small gift of our attention without seeking to hold it any longer than its due, completely letting go in the very moment of our thinking and then being carried by the vibrations of its sound. 

there's little effort given. 

we're only slightly favoring the mantra. 

meditation happens on its own.

completely so. 


Peace, Eric 

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