Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Breath and Pose

Breath and pose: 

of course yoga is more than mere exercise, and although most of us probably know this on a basic level, there might not be a recognition of just how deep this path of transformation truly is. Yoga is the path of change, subtle, without any conscious effort to be transformed. It really happens on it's own. That's really the key point here, that yoga most truly is an act of surrender, simply committing ourselves to breath and pose, risking our balance for the briefest sense of poise, as if the entire universe rose to the occasion of coming to our aide, holding us, gravity suspended for just an instant. 

we are transformed by the mystery of the pose. 

 and even the simplest asana has this magic. 

yogic psychology talks of the three gunas, attributes, basic qualities and tendencies that we seem to be born to, inherent in our very nature. Broadly speaking these are sattva, rajas, tamas - or purity, individual concern, and impurity. We are each a play of all of these qualities, they make up the fabric of the universe and have a role in the creation of a balanced life. Our yoga practice brings this to light, a psychological process of revealing the qualities that we possess, and how might fins ourselves unbalanced in our approach to life. We use the process of breath and pose to bring ourselves to center, a purifying effect that slowly favors sattva and yet allows for the balanced points of the other two gunas as well. 

we are transformed by breath and pose. 

without any effort to change at all. 

even one asana has this magic. 


Peace, Eric 

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