Tuesday, July 26, 2022

My Bias

My bias: 

my bias is towards a conscious universe, responsive, and evolving, every aspect somehow involved as well within a singular sense of being. My own meditation seems to confirm this, a deep stillness that matches the world in a seamless understanding. This isn't really a view of panpsychism, which views that the mind, or mind-like qualities is a fundamental feature of the universe, my sense is deeper still, that consciousness is all that is and is constantly in the process of being aware of itself, infinite expressions of a singular idea - indeed, there is only the universe being conscious of itself and we are points of this awareness, a state of mind within an ever greater mind. 

of course I could be wrong. 

at as far as science is involved, although panpsychism has gained some acceptance and in the earlier days of quantum understanding physicists sounded mystical in their description of the universe, even invoking God within the conversation. It seems now that most physicist and neuroscientist too are materialist, believing that consciousness is the play of individual material arranged in a certain way to bring about the mind. To me this is even more miraculous, a universe able to arrange itself aware, or at least aspects finding themselves aware by mere chance and luck of the conscious draw. Incredible, and no less invoking a mysterious sense of God and wonder as far as I'm concerned.    

one view doesn't necessarily cancel out the other. 

or so it seems to me. 

but again, my bias is confirmed by my own exploration of the mind, a laboratory of silence and deep stillness, insights gained beyond even the most subtle thought, more like a wave grace imparting a certain sense of knowing to my mind. But I don't claim this as factual, and neither is it really a belief. I'm find being proven wrong through a scientific point of view. Yet science doesn't really touch the fundamental qualities of  the soul, it's an entirely different understanding, and as yet there's no common language for a conversation to occur. My own experience would be dismissed without a care, for now at least, as it does seem that science is gaining an appreciation for meditation and the language that we use for our description of the mind. 

perhaps they'll be a deeper conversation soon. 

regardless, my own bias is a flexible point of view, not an opinion, nor belief, but a quality of soul revealed through a quiet state of mind, inspired, and received by grace alone. It's not true in any sense of being proven so, there's nothing there to grasp and call my own, ineffable, simply the reality of a single given moment expressed through the silence of my mind. There's nothing to prove here, my own bias left behind and only the silence itself seems certain and lasting, an ocean's depth that's ever present to the caress of waves across the surface of my mind. 

without bias...

this seems enough for me. 


Peace, Eric 

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