Saturday, July 2, 2022

First Few Words

First few words:

it's usually in the first few words that I know, as inspiration begins to lend itself to a theme, and writing takes on a certain energetic flow that leads on the way to a better understanding of my role today. Each morning is different, always, and I am never quite the same writer as the one who was inspired yesterday, a subtle difference in my approach to words, yet always with the same reverence for their arrival. The first few words inform me of the writer I am today, urging me to let go of any expectations of how this time should go, asking that I bring a quality of softness to my listening, allowing the silence between words to actually guide me through my morning writing and not rush to fill this holy pause. 

in this way, writing is really more a form of prayer.

a sacred conversation between myself and inspiration.

and the first few words reflect this.

usually, at least, as sometimes I take this process for granted, bringing expectation to my writing that simply don't belong to the morning's inspiration. Two things inform me of the writer that I will become each morning, one is the quality of my listening and the other is always the first few words that follow. There is never a rush for this to happen, or st least there shouldn't be, as this is a process well beyond my role as a writer, belonging solely to the gift of inspiration. 

perhaps I should clarify that my view of prayer isn't one of asking to receive anything that doesn't already belong directly to the moment. I am not requesting words to fill a place of silence but only for their revelation to be written. The first few words already exist through inspiration, they are gifted without any need of asking. 

my only role is to listen...

and the first few words inform me of the writer I will be each morning. 


Peace, Eric

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