Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A Version of An Experience

A version of an experience: 

what I write here isn't really an accurate description of an experience, most especially concerning meditation and making use of the mantra, reality is always much different, although in subtle ways, and words will always fail to capture the essence of the moment. But what I wish to do is to offer a version of an experience that's already gone, inspired, and perhaps have you turn within to a present moment of your own, listening now to a silence shared between us. 

and then, together, we'll both know the reality of this moment.

in a way that words can never show.

the mantra is key, at least for this meditation, it's a vibration of silence, personal, and offers us a return to the bare essence of who we are. It could easily be the breath as well, a soft focus of its passage, feeling its motion against a portion of skin, or the slow rhythm of the belly's rise and fall. It doesn't really matter, but for me, it's the mantra, a faint idea whispered through my mind until there's only silence. My preference is to give myself to this vibration, completely, and yet without effort or undue concentration, unattached to how it passes through my mind. It's the mantra that does the work, carrying me to a field of present silence, and my role is to simply recall it, allowing myself to be led to more subtle layers of my own deep vibrational expression. 

through the mantra I'm revealed. 

yes, that's just my version of an experience, a portrayal, true by word and its description, yet not entirely so of the of the actual moment itself. Which, truly can't be told, only experienced. My version of an experience is never yours, not completely, but it's not separate either, being of the very same essence, one reality expressed through infinitely unique and different ways. 

what I write here isn't meant to be accurate, it's not a retelling of an experience, but more so a continued inspiration being offered through the shifting tones of other moments. Only silence itself remains unchanged, inviting us to listen, urging our attention to breath or mantra, asking to be revealed right now, the only possible moment of its revelation. My hope is that my version of an experience will give cause for you to turn within, listening, and that we will share something between us, something essential,a secret we both know, one that everyone truly knows, but has somehow been forgotten. 

and now we're asked to remember.


Peace, Eric 

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