Sunday, January 12, 2025

Where There is Injury

Where there is injury: 

the third line of the Prayer of Saint Francis will be difficult, not just for some, but for all of us at some point in our lives. It's here that we are asked to pardon others in the light of injury to ourselves, to offer forgiveness without a sense of justice to prevail. Of course this seems impossible, that it should be left to realm of saints who are better suited to such tasks. 

yet this prayer is for all of us.

where there is injury, 


this is spiritual technology, it's transformative prayer, and will it seem to demand the most difficult assignments for us to perform. Forgiveness doesn't belong to the ego, it's simply impossible for it to comprehend the deeper sight involved here. So yes, to pardon in the light of injury, even the slightest insult, will cause the ego to rebel. What's needed then is a forgiveness beyond the ego, something far greater, 

a more loving presence than the thoughts of who we are. 

and to reach this,

we simply ask for a miracle.

it's here where the transformation begins, relinquishing our smaller role of bargaining and negotiating terms of forgiveness, letting go of our endless demands of always being right and certain...and surrendering our every perceived injury and injustice to the heart of God. 

forgiveness belongs to the realm of love.

it's not our task to perform.

and so the Prayer of Saint Francis doesn't ask us to perform the impossible, but to only recognize our limited role here, to open our heart and allow the presence of love to shine ever brighter now. Our practice to to prayer, asking for a greater wisdom than our own to light our world. Forgiveness is the beginning of our transformation...or more truly, our revaluation.

it shows us who we are.

we're love.


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Monumental

Also, please visit to buy: Practicing Forgiveness

Thank you.

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