Friday, January 3, 2025

Smallest Act of Kindness

Smallest act of Kindness: 

I like the thought of being truly harmless, it resonates with me in a deeply meaningful way, and it's why I'm drawn to practice yoga and A Course in Miracles - both bring to the point of absolute trust in my own protection, and from here I seek to only offer kindness to the world. 

yoga literally begins with harmlessness, the foundation of it's practice are the ethical guidelines called Yamas and the very first is Ahimsa, non-harming, and if taken as a life path this alone can lead one to the deepest revelations. For me, even with decades of application, I feel that I've only skimmed the surface and there's so much more to be revealed. Each insight gained has only asked me to be kinder still and to keep exploring the unfolding gifts that kindness offers. 

and then, 

there's A Course in Miracles, it's here that my truest nature has been shown to me, that my very essence is harmlessness itself and is invulnerable to the illusion of attack. Only the ego can be harmed in any way and safety lies in the reality of who I truly am and the role I am here to perform - my mission, my dharma if you the praise of God through my smallest act of kindness, it's to be helpful, and to extend this joy to others. 

trusting in this...I am directed to wherever it is I need to be,

to whoever needs the smallest act of kindness.

and here,

there's only love given and returned.


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: To Be Happy

Also, please visit to buy: The Non-Violent Revolution

Thank you. 

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