Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Surprising Urge

A surprising urge:

to start again, a surprising urge given that I had largely put A Course in Miracles aside, having completed the workbook and text over 15 years ago after an even longer period of false starts and short commitments. It's not that my time with the Course wasn't valuable, its message clearly stayed with me and served as a foundation for peace in troubled times. 

but I wasn't committed to its practice.

through those years my yoga practice deepened and matured, thoroughly working through me and leading to a profound shift in my awareness. Decades of meditation helped me hold the world more lightly, gently, and there's a sure and lasting sense of peace within. 

so why now? 

why this sudden and persistent urge to practice the Course again?

honestly, I don't know, and care very little to explore the reasons why - it's just time, and the energy feels different now, subtle, less frantic for change, and simply calls for me to practice forgiving my every grievance and resentment. That's enough of a reason, and surprisingly, there's so much that remains completely unforgiven, hidden layers now revealed to me with an urge to let them go. 

and so I do.


for whatever reason -

it's a time of deep forgiveness.


Peace, Eric

To Read more from Headless Now, please visit: Easy Return to Love

Also, please visit to buy: Daily Meditations for Practicing the Course

Thank you.

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