Tuesday, July 30, 2024

My Own Projections

My own projections; 

it's been less about seasonal changes lately, I'm noting more the slightest shift of light as the sun begins to rise just moments later now each day. My moods have shifted as well, finding myself seeking a balance of early light and the cover of solitary darkness. I enjoy having this time largely to myself, but with a later sunrise more people will find their way outdoors for reasons of their own. 

mostly though, the morning's are all mine. 

a sacred time for me.

that's my main reluctance to sharing it, the intrusion of noise, runners with heavy steps and playing loud music, dog walks in conversations with their phones. Just a bit of the sacredness seems lost, magic  unnoticed, silence unappreciated. The daily busyness has bled into the holiest part of the day, no hour untouched by our need to be social engaged. 

but of course this is my projection, all of it, and my only true objective here is to appreciate my own time in nature, forgiving my perceptions and returning to my own peaceful morning hours. It's never about the other person, nor the loudness of someone's music. 

it's about forgiving myself for these distractions. 

turning back within.

my own holiness found...

and this is what I offer to the world. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Just a Practice

Also, please visit to buy: The Flowering Wand 

Thank you. 

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