Friday, July 26, 2024



it seems that forgiveness is the real gift, it's what I give to myself, to others, and how I heal they world that I now perceive - all without a single notice from others. It's just a soft and quiet practice, one that I've returned to after what feels like a long and painful absence. 

I feel fortunate to have returned.

and really, it's my yoga practice that has brought me back here, those quiet hours of long morning practice, meditation, and self-inquiry. There was and is keen insights provided here, seeing the nature of my mind and all the suffering that I've caused myself. I gained a valuable perception of the mind, an understanding of my self-addictions, cherishing my own best opinions, and how I believed that was separate from the world. Yoga offers me this awareness as well as a path forward. 

and brought me to the point where I can now forgive.

see, before, even after years of studying A Course in Miracles, forgiveness was still on a superficial level, something that I offered others, or even myself. But it was always for the sake of self-manipulation, that if I forgave an issue I would gain a sense of satisfaction, an ego boost for what a wonderful soul I was. What was left out of the process was innocence, mine and yours, ours, even the whole world is shared within this original innocence. My years of yoga provided me a means of realizing this, a deep seeing, as if preparing me for a true return to the practice of forgiveness.

really though, I never left at all. 

it's always been part of my practice. 

a deeper process.

for just this moment.



Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Holy Instant

Also, please visit to buy: The Yoga Mind 

Thank you. 

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