Saturday, January 13, 2024



it's a powerful resolve, aligned with deep forces of universe and soul, and in Sanskrit it's called a sankalpa, meaning an intention of the highest order. In yoga this is a tool of manifestation, magical in the sense that it works within, an energy that flows from unconscious mind to touch the world. I love working with sankalpas, using them to set myself on the right course of travel, showing that I'm clear in how I'd like my life to unfold from this point on, and then trusting in the energy of my intention. 

offering my own least interference in good faith. 

trusting life,


aligned with deep forces of universe and soul. 

that's the power of a sankalpa, that it allows for my complete surrender, my faith placed in the actuality of the moment, and knowing that life provides the details for an intention of unfold. This is an allowing energy, there's no attempt to force my will against the world. I make no demands. It's simply a thought of highest inspiration, infused with the sincerity of a desire. 

and then surrendered to the universe at large. 

trusting life.


knowing that I'm aligned with deep forces of universe and soul. 

a sankalpa works from here.

and my faith is given to the details that unfold. 


Peace, Eric 

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