Friday, January 12, 2024

About Freewill

About freewill: 

the debate, in some circles at least, is about freewill and if it's something we have or not -  are we simply guided by neurons firing through the brain, neural activity that gives us little if any actual control? More scientist are now of the belief that this is so, that this neurons guide our activity before I'm even away an option has been posed. So no freewill. Many spiritual camps say the same, using different language of course, but arriving to a similar conclusion that there is no acting agent that's making these all important life choices. It's a difficult pill for us to swallow, we cherish the thought of our freewill and having the ability to choose our path, be it the small choice of what's for dinner to the larger points of navigating through the major events of our lives. 

we believe we're in charge. 

and mostly need to make better choices. 

personally I'm not sure it's an either or point, as it certainly appears that we have a choice in matters large and small concerning our lives. Yet, my own conclusion, one arrived to by investigating my thoughts, how they simply seem to appear through no power of my own, is that I really don't have an answer to this all important question. I just don't know. A choice appears, a decision made, and life rolls on fairly smoothly without questioning my involvement. It's a pretty good system I would say, one that profits better with least interference from my end. 

or so it seems. 

meditation, yoga, self-inquiry, decades of spiritual practice, haven't brought me to a special place of knowing all the answers. Or any answers really. And that's point actually, arriving to the present state where everything is immediately let go, surrendered, choices made, and life continues uninterrupted in the beauty of its flow. I've done nothing to make any of this happen, life is magical this way, blessing me an abundance of air to breath and a functioning body, everything gifted to meet my basic needs. None of this has been a choice I've made, not in this larger picture. Yet there have been countless moments, infinite times, where it seems I've made some all important choices. 

and through it all...

life continues. 

about freewill, 

I simply have no need of answers. 

or so it seems. 


Peace, Eric 

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