Monday, November 6, 2023

Walking in the Dark

Walking in the dark: 

mostly now, this time of year and with the sun rising later, my earliest walks are experienced as sound, catching a stir along the edge of woods or feet scurrying just ahead of me. I see far less wildlife, only stumbling upon a quick shadow that dives from my view, or an occasional early waking deer to hungry to be afraid of lonely walker. At first this was a disappointment, seeing less of nature, missing the first glimpse of the sun's arrival. I'm walking in the dark, sometimes moon and starlit, avoiding artificial light as often as I'm able - and that initial disappointment has to turned to wonder, these darker hours being far more mysterious, causing me to pause more often and listen more deeply, hearing sounds I might have missed only a few months before. 

it's the same grounds, 

but a different walk entirely.

there's a reluctance to use my small flashlight, reserving it for times when the path disappears completely from my view. Even then I try and settle in place, allowing my eyes to adjust better to the dark. My wish is to belong as much as possible, to be part of nature and not at all a disturbance, meeting these hours on their terms and not my own demands. Of course I often fail, curiosity getting the better of me and offering a quick shine of light in a dark direction. But my intent is honest and I do my best to honor the predawn hours through whatever they offer and not be too intrusive. 

my reward for this is patience and finding myself more at ease in these lonely hours. Walking in the dark sharpens my instincts and intuition, catching a sound in the instant it occurs and immediately pausing in stride, no attempt to identify anything just yet, but to simply allow the experience of sound and mystery to unfold on its own. There's no rush during these during these hours, things will be revealed, or they won't, and I've come to accept the infinite mysteries of walking in the dark. 

it's okay to simply not know. 

more so, 

it's sometimes how things are,

not knowing. 

and walking in the dark...reveals the world as mystery. 


Peace, Eric 

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