Saturday, November 4, 2023

Lyrical Prose

Lyrical prose: 

I think of it as lyrical prose, my own developed style after years of practice and commitment to the craft of writing. That's a phrase I love and keep near in mind as I write, that I'm crafting my work, only adding words that lend themselves to this particular flow, being unattached to a certain line if it no longer fits into the pattern that's developing, and always responding to inspiration as it whispers in my ear, even if this means making drastic changes to what's already been written. 

everything I write should be fluid. 


and hopefully, 

lyrical in its feel. 

whatever message my words have should follow that directive, with significance placed on sound and rhythm over meaning, having a sense that something soft beneath the word has been invoked rather than overtly stated. There should be a feel of mystery here, not that any great truth has been proclaimed, but that a hint has been provided, and we'll explore along further as more words appear, dropping as clues and leading us deeper into mystery. That seems the true purpose of lyrical prose, it's descriptive of of the vaguest things imaginable, giving notice to the essence of its subject, with little interest in the first glance of meaning or appearance. 

it's about writing the ineffable.

an impossible task...

yet always worth the try. 

and lyrical prose seems to be the tool for my best effort, a sounding board that emphasizes a silent presence that holds each word in a soft embrace, mysterious, revealing itself not through the meaning of words, but only in the lilt  and rhythm of their reading...

and the quiet wake left in their passing. 


Peace, Eric 


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