Sunday, October 15, 2023

Where Yoga Begins

Where yoga begins: 

it's where yoga begins, placed here for an exact reason, and everything that follows is built from this foundation. The yamas and niyamas are the essence of yoga, its life blood, and no single pose has as much value as their practice. Theses are the ethical guidelines for the yogi to follow, 5 restraints and 5 observances and together they offer the moral ground from which the yogic path continues. Without them - it's all simply fitness, beneficial, but not leading us to highest point of yoga. 

it's where yoga begins. 

the foundation of our practice. 

there's a reasons for this, of course, and not just for the practical consideration of our moral well being, although that's obviously important. Yet there's a clear genius to the yogic plan, steps that lead us all the way to the greatest sense of ease and joy. Taken to the end and we're actually gaining our liberation from the entrapment of our mind's behavior, freedom. But it all begins here with the yamas and niyamas, and the reason is that these guidelines steady the mind, easing us of concern and worry, providing a clear way forward with our practice. 

and as always that's key, practice, that we're meant to actually commit to their observance, even as we so often fail to reach our full potential. We're not asked to be perfect, but only to practice, beginning again every time it seems we stray from their design. 

it's our practice. 

what we soon discover is that even if they're often difficult to observe, they're benefits are clearly observable and every other aspect of our practice begins to gain in steadiness and meaning. Our foundation is now built solid. 

we have a clear path to follow.

and this where yoga begins. 


Peace, Eric 

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