Monday, October 16, 2023



it's not just hearing sounds, really that's just one response and the entire body is keen in reception, vibrational patterns being detected throughout the field of our existence. With out bodies being 70% water we are perfect conductors for frequencies, listening more with our entirety than just the ears alone. This is the powerful effect of music, why we're propelled to dance, vibrations coursing through the limbs and causing an ecstatic response. 

we are fully listening. 

we now know that babies hear within the womb, the rhythm of their mother's heartbeat first, and then later the outside world begins to seep in, voices, life sounds. It's one of our earliest senses as well as being one of the very last to leave as we die. New studies reveal that the dying brain response to sound even through its final stage, and loving words offered will indeed bring comfort past the point our heartbeat ends. In the hours after my father passed away I sat with him through the night, unaware of these studies, yet knowing that his consciousness was still present, his essence, and I would even call it his soul. What I offered him was love, the comfort of a familiar voice, my own frequency matched to his, and perhaps this was all only for my benefit, but these were valuable moments shared between us. 

a final listening...

I am sure the last thing my father heard was the frequency of my love. 

my meditation practice is based on sound, vibrations detected throughout consciousness and leading me towards a silent field of listening. And of course this isn't my only mantra, nature offers its own primordial sounds, drawing me to listen closer, subtle qualities speaking more fully to my soul. This is how I return to nature, simply listening, dropping beneath any perceived meaning to a pureness unaffected by the the sounds of a busier world. 

it's the frequencies of my own true being. 


Peace, Eric 

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