Friday, October 20, 2023

About Politics

although I consider myself politically astute and concerned with policies that have the potential to alter the course of life for generations to come - I seldom write overtly about politics. This isn't out of fear that I may offend those who read, nor a desire to stay clear of these issues during my writing. It's mostly because I know it will make little difference to others, some readers who know my politics will either skip it or give reasons why I'm wrong, causing more of a debate than an insightful discussion. I'm not drawn to argue much anymore, not over your beliefs, nor even my own. 

about politics...

I'd rather write about yoga, meditation, breathwork, being immersed in nature. 

and there's a reason for this, honestly, I believe a political view is likely to expand when any of the above are practiced sincerely. Maybe not everyone, but certainly those who embrace with humility and a wish for transformation. The path of yoga itself starts with ethical restraints, calling on us to consider leading a life of non-harm, the absence of lying, and stealing, the right use of energy, and letting go of greed. These are considered restraints because once subdued, the opposite effect grows, expanding to fill the void of the behaviors we left behind. In the absence of harm, there's peace, a true sense of peace that is is all inclusive in its hold. It's the same for everyone of these issues, and it's a gentle practice, urging us to simply be aware of the harm that we may be part of, or lies that might be told that we believe are harmless.

everything changes through the lens of our awareness. 

the practice of yoga, meditation, breathwork, and even a short time spent daily in nature, they all have the tendency to expand our awareness. Our sense of a personal self dissolves, however slightly. and the borders of our concerns expand to hold others, compassion and empathy grow, and with this our politics become an issue of our practice, a natural reflection. 

so I write about yoga. 

or nature. 

and maybe, a soft urge of inspiration will whisper in a readers ear. Perhaps they'll examine their yoga practice and rediscover the beginning of the path, those ethical restraints and observances. Or they'll begin to meditate, or add a short walk to their routine and experience the joy of being in nature so early in the morning. Maybe none of these things will happen, mostly likely that's the case, and I'm fine with that as well. I write about the things I love, my own experience with their practice. My goal of sharing what I write isn't to cause change - but to simply share my own inspiration. 

about politics...

I'd rather write about nature. 


Peace, Eric 

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