Tuesday, June 20, 2023

It All Ties Together

It all ties together: 

How it all ties together - it's fortunate that I have the time to practice yoga twice daily, a set routine along with breathwork before each mediation session. Of course I'm up early for this to happen, but that has been a blessing as well, allowing me those hours of near silence to meditate. to write, offer up a morning prayer of gratitude, and take a sunrise walk to greet the day. This routine also helps prepare me for a quality night of sleep ahead, that what I do so early in the morning, is just a step towards bed and peaceful slumber. 

it all ties together. 

and this is true yoga.

being a seamless practice.

so really, I should say that I perform yoga throughout the entire day, and even the night is devoted to its practice, as I follow my breath, an ocean pattern of sound, ujjayi breathing, into deep sleep. This mindful breathing has also helped ease a recurring anxiety issue that has plagued me for some time, a few years of dreading night's arrival and what felt like an actual torment that would come. Sleep was no easy issue for me, not something that happened easily, and the practice of yoga was my salvation.

it all ties together.


the amazing thing is how my practice has continued to deepen through the years -  how even as yoga has been a presence throughout my life, reading books about it as a kid and teaching myself asanas, studying it's philosophy and learning meditation as a young adult, and now it still continue to open me to new and greater mysteries. 

even now.

the word yoga, translated from Sanskrit, means union, and really it's not so much a practice as it is a realization. We are already whole, completely so, and every feature of yoga simple serves as a reminder. Once remembered, the practice continues for the many benefit it offers, serving as prayer set in motion, touching upon that place of stillness deep within where all movement has its origin, and allowing it to unfold through every aspect of our lives. 

it all ties together.


it's all yoga. 


Peace, Eric 

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