Friday, June 16, 2023

Fractals by Design

Fractals by design; 

that we are fractals by design, patterns within an endless scope of energetic display, from smallest structure of cells within the body, and then on to tree leaf, a blade of grass, streams, and every passing cloud - it's all a symmetry of nature, infinitely self-repeating, a full show of who we most truly are...

fractals by design.

and we respond to this, to a cellular point, and even more deeply so, with molecules dancing in delight to this design, our every particle arranged in a pleasing structure matching this display of nature. We are meant to belong here, to be part of this astonishing exhibit of nature, endlessly arranged through every version that's ever to be shown. 

patterns infinitely arranged.

this is direct experience, immersed through our own design, nature in continuous reflected upon itself. We are awash in fractals, and more so, it's simply what we are, energetic patterns somehow given a more solid show of form. This is why we feel connected to nature in a meaningful way, akin to trees and fields, welcomed by the conversations offered by the course of streams. It's reality in communication with itself, a language understood by fractals and spoken in return through our own energetic patterns. Most truly it's consciousness in full expression, mysterious, artful, beyond the need of any understanding.

it's simply meant to be expressed.

beautifully so.

and through whatever patterns that unfold. 

we are fractals by design...

infinitely displayed. 


Peace, Eric 

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