Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Happy Accident

Happy accident: 

it's the predominate view in science that life has come about through a happy accident, an arrangement of molecules that has just happened to produce carbon life, fine tuned for our existence but not by design, only through chance and for our good fortune. Another, less popular theory, is that the universe is evolving to ever greater complexity, with consciousness emerging as a by product of this evolution and that life, in some form or another, simply had to occur as a natural conclusion. 

and this evolution continues on, a process, and we will either prove ourselves useful in our role, or be left behind for the next chapter to unfold without us.

regardless, the universe continues to evolve.

this seems to be somewhat of a compromise on the hard problem of consciousness, that it's not purely an end product of materialism, with the universe itself through its growing complexity had reached a point for consciousness to emerge, or as astronomer Carl Sagan famously said - " we are a way, for the cosmos to know itself." So it would appear that we're not an end result at all, not a happy accident, but really just part of an ongoing process...

still unfulfilled in our potential as an emerging mind. 

my own view, little as it matters, is that I am a happy accident by design, an aspect of consciousness that has found itself in this particular form, quite unsuspectingly so, astonished by my own self recognition. It's doubtful that the universe will arrange itself this way again, my little spark of awareness being no more than a blink within an infinite cosmic eye. Yet, it's to this very same cosmos that I belong too, the source of every aspect that appears, consciousness -

 however it has emerged. 


Peace, Eric 

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