Oddly funny:
what I have now is a sense that not everything needs to be specific to my needs, or even bend towards my comfort and understanding. I am more apt to leave things alone, finding ease with life exactly as it is and not fill the world with my opinion. Of course the irony is that I'm at once more creative and inspired, with words rushing to my fingers eager to be written, and I share them freely through the pages here. It's a paradox in a way, and that's part of what I've come to accept - that life flows in oddly funny ways, mysterious...
and I am simply part of its expression.
with this I find that I'm more restful, at ease with the way things are even as I might have a wish for some circumstances to change. I have more faith in motion now, knowing that no situation is lasting and that my every moment is fluid, already in the midst of becoming something other. It's oddly funny, clinging to what's present even as it's changing, or refusing to accept that a most cherished gift won't last. That's our sorrow, forgetting that life is constant motion, and that's why even as the world is seen as flowing with grace and a rhythm of purpose...it's tinged by a certain sadness too.
oddly funny how everything belongs, seemingly a paradox.
But really, just a mystery.
and so I write, every morning, whatever words spontaneously appear, sharing it all as its been given. It's how things are right now, and I'm grateful for how my life unfolds, being oddly funny in so many ways, touched by sadness too, and that everything seems to belong at once, not a true contradiction at all - but simply life, flowing, mysterious, seamless.
being always motion.
Peace, Eric
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