Thursday, January 26, 2023

Our True Posture

Our true posture:

of asana, our true posture -that it's found here, and only through the body. That's the real work of yoga, grounding us to the present moment experience, being rooted to spirit exactly where and as we are. It's not about transformation, we never become something that isn't already in existence, each asana sinks us deeper into reality, giving the experience of being fully engaged as the body, entwined with soul, and with every cell rejoicing in this moment of being alive. 

that's our true posture.

it's who we are. 

that's the real essence of yoga, of the asanas, not just mere exercise, but to root us deeply in the experience of having a body, that's it's our home and in no way removed from the larger body of earth and air. Our true posture is simply the body, and if we explore this, settling into its reality, we come to know ourselves as a much greater experience than ever imagined before. Every asana has this potential, offering us an avenue of exploring this reality, following breath our to it's  furthest expansion as it disappears to thinnest air, feeling the earth extend beneath us as a single reach of sacred ground - and no point are we removed from any of this, it's the valid experience of our reality of a larger body. 

our true posture. 

my own practice is just a few asanas each session, intuitively chosen within the moment, but purposely so, allowing the native wisdom of my body to dictate the movement that it needs. There is deep listening here, my larger body of earth and air expressing their desire. What I listen to is motion all the way to the point of pause, stillness, and again motion, hearing the seamless trade between the two until it fades to the single note of its existence. 

one thing. 

that's the art of yoga, the reality of our true posture...

we're seamless. 


Peace, Eric 

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