Deeply committed:
I take writing seriously, being deeply committed to my time of practice, working through time of inspiration as well as those rare moments when words struggle to appear. Writing is a priority to me, equally important as air, water, food. Emotionally, and spiritually, I thrive when engaged in this creative pursuit. It's my most important practice -
and yet....
whatever topic or theme is of a concern, it's an interest, holding my curiosity or momentary fascination. I am not deeply committed to these words, nor convinced that I'm writing an absolute truth, nor anything of great importance. I want my practice to be flexible, reflecting a sense of openness, that I write about today can easily be contradicted by my words tomorrow.
writing is a passion and a practice, and for me that means I'm deeply committed to whatever it is I'm expressing now, more truly that I'm trying out ideas, exploring how their theme fits my frame of mind as well as on the page. I am not so committed to beliefs and ideas, not in the same way I am with writing, or even my other long held practices of yoga and meditation. Almost everything I write about is an idea, and I am always ready for it's surrender, holding each one lightly, loosely in my mental grip. It's the writing itself that's important.
of course I write about my interest, things that currently hold my fascination, or tug my curiosity, and some I have a deep passion for and become a consistent theme of mine. But none of them are to be taken seriously, at least not to the extent of believing them to be as important as the actual writing is to me. That's what I'm really sharing here, and I consider it a divine expression, literally a product of pure imagination, words somehow materialized from the thin air of my mind. Writing is a gift, and a skill to be developed, practiced, and then shared in the hope that in someway it might inspire others, not so much with the idea that's written - but that they too might have an urge to share their own divine expression, whatever it might be, words, a drawing, perhaps something totally unique and never before seen. That's my purpose here, the only real meaning to my words...
and deeply committed to this sharing.
Peace, Eric
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