Working with the breath:
I've been working with the breath lately, pranayama, the yogic concept of breathing purposefully to better utilize the precious life force that animates our lives. It's a beautiful and meaningful practice for me, three tines a day, just a brief period each, devoted solely to the breath, mindful of its flow and energy, and used in a specific way to bring the results I desire. The method I was taught and mainly practice deal is specific for health, my teaching leaving most of the esoteric principles behind in order to focus on a more mainstream approach to help people improve the quality of their lives.
it's how I teach as well, my wish being to help and heal, to bring a tool that everyone possess to a clients awareness. These are easy practices that produce profound results, quickly so in many cases, easing stress and addressing many immediate health concerns. For me, yoga is mainly working with the breath and teaching meditation, tools of awakening, and yet having an impact on daily living, practical in the benefits they offer. From this ground floor of practice, prana, life essence, begins to flow and flourish, our lives are changed in ways beyond our health, more focused now, we're open to the energy of life.
working with the breath, even just these few minutes...and prana flows.
it seems the esoteric is built into the system.
breathwork and meditation can be taken up for the many proven health benefits they provide, they're invaluable tools for many, free to practice, and require no tools other than what our minds and bodies naturally and already provide. But what we'll soon find, especially working with the breath, is that in essence it truly is a divine flow of energy, our life force, connecting us with something that, to me, can only be likened to the soul. The breath is so intimate, a soft brush constant against the lips, often barely even notice, and yet it's essential to our lives. That's why I call it divine, because it's so freely, abundantly given, air always available to be drawn and transformed to the elements of life. Our breath is natural, gifted to us as an easy function, and also offered as a mindful action, connecting us to the essence of what we truly are, energy, motion, the lightness of our being.
yes, the esoteric is built into the system.
working with the breath...
we're soon revealed.
Peace, Eric