Saturday, April 23, 2022

Deep Response

Deep response:

quantum physics fascinates me and with only understanding a fraction of what I read, probably less than that, and to say that I understand might actually be a boastful claim. Yet something resonates, a deep response from within that something true is being presented here, and not so much in a factual way, but as if a blueprint of my essential nature, more ancient than my DNA, has been shown to me. Quantum physics feels like it's the study of the self in the most fundamental way. 

and so does meditation. 

in essence - meditation takes me to my essential nature, consciousness itself, existing before a single thought arises, selfless, pure and open. Not with every sitting, even after 30 plus years of practice, but often enough, and it's here that I recognize a similar deep response as reading quantum physics, that there's something quiet profound being offered, an opportunity to truly know myself beyond a cellular level and simply be again the very fabric of life, existing as so for all of eternity. 

is this true? 

reality at it's most fundamental level?

it doesn't matter, not really, I'm not looking to shake the world with my understanding of consciousness and quantum physics. I'm not even trying to understand my own essential nature and it's connection to the universe. I'm just sitting, allowing myself to exist exactly and as easily as I am, and it seems that with this comes a deeper response from both the universe and myself, more than a connection, it's a felt sense of true and real belonging. 

one thing.

as if essential.

so meditation doesn't lead me to an understanding of quantum physics, not even to an understanding my of my own essential nature - it simply and only leads to that deep response of knowing that I belong fully to the world, an aspect of the universe as ancient as the original singularity that gave cause for all of this to be. A deep response that tells me I'm essential by my very nature. 

exactly as I am.


Peace, Eric 

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