Saturday, March 8, 2025

Do Not Seek

Do not seek:

as an ego, or mistakenly identified as such, our directive is to search for love and yet self-sabotage in this very task we've assigned ourselves. To rediscover love is the annihilation of the ego, its game of seek and do not find that's now completely over. 

with love...we're home at last.

of course the truth is that we're immersed in love.


and to realize this is just a mind-shift away, a prayerful miracle request instantly granted - we only have to ask. But the ego will never ask for its own destruction. It will only keep fooling itself, convinced that it's on a valid quest to truly know love. 

seek and do not find.

this is why every path is eventually futile, circular, and leading right back to its beginning. Truth isn't hard to find, in fact, it's impossible to miss once we surrender to its presence. The Christian saint Catherine of Siena gave us this directive with her line that every step of the way to heaven. 

do not seek,

only love.

and through this we come to know ourselves -

exactly where we are. 


Love, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: God Things Otherwise

Also, please visit to buy: How to Love Better

Thank you.

Friday, March 7, 2025

God Thinks Otherwise

God thinks otherwise: 

and God things otherwise - for so many years I've read A Course of Miracles and have completely overlooked the significance of those words. Yet now there's a gravity to them as never before, a literal pull into a new reality. What I'm told here is that my entire thought system is wrong-minded, made and continued as an illusion, based on absolutely nothing true at all.

yes, but God thinks otherwise...

and that is my salvation. 

there's another thought system here, right-minded and so sure of itself that illusions are instantly dispelled and not to be seen again. This feels like a final pointer to me, that at anytime, any experience not fully known as love - 

I just remember.

God thinks otherwise.

and then I'm home...right where I've always been. 


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: I Am Not a Body

Also, please visit to buy: The Healing Power of Kindness

Thank you.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

I am Not a Body

I am not a body: 

it's so often repeated as a theme through the course, a complete denial of the body, and it's always been a more difficult lesson for me for I am firmly grounded in this identity. Throughout the workbook I am reminded that this body is but a temporary appearance in eternity, yes, to be respected and treated kindly, but not to give it more worth than it ultimately deserves. 

I am not a body.

and yet I have traveled far with this illusion, scars remind my of adventures and painful encounters. It's certainly hard to not believe in the solidness of this form. What I'm asked to do is to look further and deeper than ever before, not praying for release, but just to be able to see a greater truth than my body shows alone. 

seeing is my release. 

to know that I am not a body is true insight, meaning I've looked within and found the emptiness of form, a miracles of appearance that temporarily holds awareness. A Course in Miracles reminds me that Love has created me like itself and that all that is not eternal, the frailness of body, are but a brief lesson to be realized and let go. I am kind to my body, as well as others, because I've been created by kindness. My true and only body is formless. 

I am made of Love.

of light. 

and my only real purpose here...

is to give myself away. 


Love, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Remembering

Also, please visit to buy: A Course in Miracles Made Practical

Thank you. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025



no, I'm not there yet, not quite, but drawing closer through my daily practice and it's now so much easier to let go of those still frequent encounters with the grievances of the ego. That's a big step actually, just noting my reactions and being able to relax, offering a gentle response instead of the rush of defensive anger. What I'm talking about here isn't really something that I've been mindful of, it's not a practice in the sense that I toil over my every interaction and try to reach a certain sense of peace.

my life is just more gentle now.


and my only real practice is simply being kind.


this has mostly happened on it's own, there's no technique offered, and so often it's still after the face that I remember to be kind. That's the practice, just remembering to remember, and not holding any judgement against myself for forgetting. Life gives infinite opportunities to be kind, and so my daily practice is in recognizing every encounter as holding the potential of a holy instant, an awakening, and falling deeply within the present state of love.

joyfully, this happens quite often now.

not through any effort.

it's gifted.

arriving exactly in the moment of my remembering...

to remember.


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: My Salvation

Also, please visit to buy: The Healing Power of Kindness

Thank you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

My Salvation

My salvation:

to what extent am I able to surrender? That's my question now as I consider lesson 194 of A Course in Miracles, being asked to place the future in God's hands and not to worry of my own salvation. Here, I should add that the Course is not addressing a future event where my soul is saved. What's meant by salvation is that all of my illusions that act as barriers to the reality of love's presence are laid aside and my life is then lived in the actually of experience. 

only love is real.

and that is my surrender.

so what I'm asked to do, all that's ever truly asked - is to be kind, purposefully choosing a higher teacher than the demands of ego, and trusting in the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit. Salvation will be handled on its own, and none of the metaphysics of the Course even need to be considered. 

just be kind.

with no exceptions.

and that alone is my true salvation.

Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Still A Happier Dream

Also, please visit to buy: The Healing Power of Kindness

Thank you. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Still a Happier Dream (For Now)

Still a happier dream (for now): 

for the first decade of my practice of A Course in Miracles, and  probably much longer, it was a path taken solely for self-improvement, believing that my carefully constructed illusory world could coexist with the reality of love. As my studied deepened, finally completing the workbook, I began to get a glimmer of how foolish this was - but I was still a few years away from truly knowing exactly how foolish.

there is no self to be improved.

only love is real.

and so there's no improvement here, although it certainly seems to have gotten better, my life is easier in many ways. The Course explains this as a happier dream, that it's an exchange of fearful perceptions for a more insightful view of a still imaginary world. I do deeply appreciate this happier dream, and it seems more veils are dropping everyday, with certain moments of deep clarity, and I'm immersed fully in the reality of love. 

yet still the everyday dream persists. 

but I think the big difference now is that I'm okay with my dream, there's no drive to end the illusion anytime soon. The happier dream is enough for me because I know it as a dream and that it holds infinite possibilities for me to awaken. There's nothing further for me to do, no greater practice nor secret method of to find -

so without a self in need of improvement, in need of anything, really...

I relax.

forgiving my dreamed up world.


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Joyfully So

Also, please visit to buy: Awaken From the Dream

Thank you. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Joyfully So

Joyfully so; 

reading the Course anew, and it's amazing how these long familiar words leap from the page and capture my attention once again, even after decades of my study. More so, the Course speaks through me now, energized in an astounding way, it no longer feels a practice but an actual loving presence that guides me on my way. 

I'm living A Course in Miracles...

and yet, 

it's really beyond words, those were just seeds long ago planted that are now finally baring fruit, as if my recent re-immersion within the text called this energy forward to be activated in my life. So in truth, I'm not so much living the Course, nor doing a practice, as I am expressing its intent. Still imperfectly, of course, but committed and sincere. 

joyfully so. 


Love, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Only One Teacher

Also, please visit to buy: The Gentle Smile

Thank you. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Only One Teacher

Only one teacher: 

my entire life is now seen as a choice I've made between two teachers, not even aware, and so mostly choosing wrong in my alliance with the ego. There was no free will involved in this, as that would assume an awareness that a choice existed, or that I even knew that  I had an option to a kinder, more gentle teacher to guide me on my way. 

so I always listened to the voice of ego, believing in my own self interest and never giving consideration that I was continuously being taught that I was separate from the world, a small entity that always had to protect itself from others. Of course my true teacher was there all along, always present, being a loving urge to reconsider every choice the ego made.

this teacher never told me that I wrong...

only to review my options.

the ego, a false option, always teachers its own self-preservation. It bargains, negotiating for its continuation as a special voice within. The Holy Spirit, my one true teacher, just quietly awaits for my return to its gentle way teaching. There's a knowing here that only love is real and everything else is a false lesson of the ego's survival.  

I'm not asked to chose against the ego.

that's not my lesson.

for really, 

there is no choice,

just love. 

and only one teacher.


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Over

Also, please visit to buy: Forgiveness and Jesus

Thank you.