Do not seek:
as an ego, or mistakenly identified as such, our directive is to search for love and yet self-sabotage in this very task we've assigned ourselves. To rediscover love is the annihilation of the ego, its game of seek and do not find that's now completely over.
with love...we're home at last.
of course the truth is that we're immersed in love.
and to realize this is just a mind-shift away, a prayerful miracle request instantly granted - we only have to ask. But the ego will never ask for its own destruction. It will only keep fooling itself, convinced that it's on a valid quest to truly know love.
seek and do not find.
this is why every path is eventually futile, circular, and leading right back to its beginning. Truth isn't hard to find, in fact, it's impossible to miss once we surrender to its presence. The Christian saint Catherine of Siena gave us this directive with her line that every step of the way to heaven.
do not seek,
only love.
and through this we come to know ourselves -
exactly where we are.
Love, Eric
To read more from Headless Now, please visit: God Things Otherwise
Also, please visit to buy: How to Love Better
Thank you.
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