Friday, July 12, 2024

List of Grievances

List of grievances: 

it's my surrender now, faith, a gentle call to forgive my every grievance - and of course I feel that I'm not ready for this, that's it too much for me and I'll be unable to fulfill the commitment I've made to live my life from this surrender. 

forgiveness is my most difficult task.

until it isn't, 

and then it's just a simple letting go....

seeing through illusions.

as only love is real.

so my world is already forgiven.

yet right now, there's fear at hand, some resentment and a growing list of grievances. It's perfect, all of it, as it's the only task that's worth pursuing. And it's exactly what I've asked for, my list of grievances shown to made, brought to light and now the work begins.

God is the love in which I forgive.

and it's to this that I surrender. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Perfect Occupation

Also, please visit to buy: The Law of Divine Compensation

Thank you. 

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