Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Deep Aloneness

Deep aloneness: 

it's come to be a time of deep aloneness for me, so many days spent mostly in my own company or few and fairly brief interactions with loved ones. I am solitary, but not withdrawn, feeling a keen and intimate sense of connection with others even through my silence. This is just my time to be alone, cultivating a relationship with myself that is independent from opinions and beliefs of how my life should be lived, and most especially - being free of my own demands, no longer giving them the final say on what truly matters to me right now. 

I am completely comfortable in this time of deep aloneness.

surprisingly so. 

this doesn't mean that I've given up friends or close connections with others, not at all. Deep aloneness is an inner quality really, that even in an interaction with another there remains an interior silence playing through, welcoming their company, yet without the need to interject an opinion of my own. I am softly quiet most of the time, much of my day spent alone, although my cats insist occasional conversations and I enjoy a visit from my soul companion and our dog. We walk together, enjoying nature, and there's little need to fill our time together with casual conversation, although that does happen. But mostly, we simply enjoy our time together, in silence or through words. It doesn't seem to matter either way. 

this is my time of deep aloneness, and I find myself content, happy, surprisingly so. What I'm discovering is how much I actually have to give to others, that silence is a gift that holds the potential for our every spoken word, for everything that will eventually be written. My deep aloneness is an infinite field that draws the world near in ever greater embrace of intimacy. 

it's truly something shared. 


Peace, Eric 

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