Thursday, September 8, 2022

Faint Impression

Faint impression: 

and the mantra shows that silence can't be divided, every sound is simply a vibration held in its embrace, seamlessly so, with no true interruption to its hold. We think the mantra, just a faint impression really, no meaning to the words, but a frequency that carries us further into silence, drops us between the ordinary flow of thoughts to deeper consciousness. This all happens on its own, we're not replacing mundane thoughts with higher inspiration, each thought belongs to the moment it appears, we're only concern with the mantra, introducing it the mind, remembering it, listening...

a faint impression leading us deeper into an ever present silence.

that's meditation, how we use the mantra, an easy approach, natural. Mostly importantly is that little concentration is needed, no force of mind nor willpower. Every thought belongs, noticed lightly, and let go without concern. Even if we get caught within a whirlwind of thought that seems to be beyond control, a daydream, it doesn't matter at all. Returning always to the mantra, gently, and easily so. That's the vibration we give our notice, our soft attention, again being just a faint impression - and it's with this shift form ordinary thought to a finer level of vibration that we drop within existing silence, pure, deep, always present. The mantra simply leads us here...


it's that easy, listening to the mantra, that faint impression - meditation is a completely natural shift of mind, that we notice thoughts without the distraction of their dismissal, allowing their presence even as we think the mantra. Nothing really changes, it's only that we now notice the mantra as well, vibrating without any meaning of its own, a frequency of silence growing ever fainter, urging us to follow, showing us a field of undivided silence. 

it's simply listening to that faint impression, always returning, and through this...

we notice that we're home. 


Peace, Eric 

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