Monday, September 5, 2022

A Larger Inspiration

A larger inspiration: 

not knowing what to write about is both scary and liberating, a moment for pure imagination to take over as soon as I surrender the need to express myself in sure and certain ways. For me, I often find that a theme soon develops through this process, and that as I let go further into the mystery of not knowing, writing begins to happen without my interference of ideas, a larger inspiration takes over and the words begin to flow within a definite energy of their own. 

I like that...a larger inspiration.

and so there's little trepidation as I approach an empty page, no great need to fill it with grand ideas and poetic words. There's only the writing itself, whatever it will be this morning, however many words arrive to greet me. Silence is part of this process, waiting as well, and I've learned to trust this larger inspiration and to embrace the uncertainty of what an empty page offers.

it's always full of possibilities it seems. 

bringing my own ideas to the page is often a matter of false confidence of skill over inspiration, thinking that I will better navigate through uncertainty with the aid of a given theme and cleverness of words. Sometimes, if the idea is inspired, this can work quite well, and as I write I will begin to lose any sense of being the true author here, finding myself absorbed in the mystery of receiving words, my writing skills now reduced to the basics of patiently waiting for words through long moments of silence, and then followed by an inspired eagerness of writing what is given. Writing, at its best, is mere dictation...

it's all from a larger inspiration. 

there's never any need for me to worry about what to write of, there's no real wait for inspiration, it's always present and only takes a turn of mind towards a point of mystery surrendering any notion of certainty and control, allowing myself to simply be part of what's soon to be written and not make claims as sole author. I am the process...nothing more. 

it's better this way. 

being more at ease.

and writing happens on its own. 


Peace, Eric 

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