Friday, August 19, 2022

Sincerely Who I Am

Sincerely who I am: 

what I really hope for is sincerity, to be exactly and only as I am and know that this is what I offer to the world. At this point there is no continued search for enlightenment, nor even a wish to be free from any form of suffering, life has brought me here, and through sorrow and grief, and yes, countless moments of joy as well - I now find myself sincerely who I am...

and nothing more.

this is it's own form of freedom and one without pretense or need to influence others, no one else is involved in this, at least not in the sense of offering myself as any form of teacher. Sincerity isn't a practice, it's not something that's accomplished, it's simply an allowingness of whatever it is that appears within each moment, and not making distinctions between ego and selfless nature, between illusion and the harder edge of what seems to be reality. Everything belongs, sincerely so, and there is no reason to push any of it aside for a preference of show, for how I wish the world to see me.

sincerely, this is who I am. 

and I no longer wish to be any different, I'm not seeking a better version of who I am, it's not self-improvement, nor the end of any suffering. To give it a word, if  one is needed, would be to say relaxed, really that's all, and yet this includes so much too, because nothing is excluded, not fear, nor worry, I'm not free of anything at all, and it's with this that I find myself able to relax completely. 

this is sincerely who I am, and of course it's free to change at any moment, being responsive, sensitive to what others offer, and not a fixed position of pretense and ideas. Reality is too spontaneous for any of that, and whatever opinion held is just that, a thought, an appearance of my present point of view, and even now it might be changing. Sincerity is simply being open, a continuous letting go even as I embrace all that's present. It's paradox, as well as completely ordinary. 

it's sincerely who I am...

and everyone else is too. 


Peace, Eric 

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