Sunday, May 22, 2022

Subject Reveals Itself

Subject reveals itself:

most often the subject reveals itself through writing, with the process being words first committed to the page and seeing what then wishes to be told. In this way I feel a sure connection to inspiration, my own agenda is relaxed and I make no demands for any theme to meet my expectations. Words alone are enough, fulfilling my desire to leave meaning on a page, lines where emptiness once issued its invitation for my writing to appear. I've often liken this to the Buddhist Heart Sutra, that emptiness and form are matched in existence and non-existence, a page and words being linked in the process of creation, one thing lending itself to the appearance of another. 

so the subject reveals itself as emptiness.

and somehow too,


page and words. 

an empty page then isn't the absence of words but they unique place for their potential, the only opportunity for their appearance and story to be shown. I approach the page with reverence as well as assurance of my role - I am here to be of this process, my own emptiness matched to the page, temporary and brief in form, eager to see what subject is revealed. It's all so intimately and intricately linked, not one aspect existing on its own, no author until first words appear, everything dependent on the willingness of a page to be filled, inspiration being the entirety of the process.

most often the subject reveals itself through writing, and this is so because of the interdependence of page and words, inspiration and the appearance of an author, that it all comes together for its own fulfillment, as if clouds gathering and ideas to be stormed across a page. Conditions are right for this subject to be told, everything appearing at the precise and only time they could, writing happened...emptiness lends itself to form.

and the subject reveals itself.

it's just how things happen.


Peace, Eric 

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