Peace is inevitable:
here is is, our solution, and indeed it is so simple - we look upon the world, each other, in peace. That's it, and honestly, there's really nothing more we need to do in order to solve our problems. I know many will accuse me of being naive, and that's a fair point. How could it ever be that easy and yet seem so unfeasible at the same time? As A Course in Miracles states:
peace is impossible to those who look on war.
and that's the only problem we have, we look upon war as the only possible solution to so many of our most important issues at hand - and this is on a very personal level too. Everything feels like an attack these days. Our political divide is pitted as sides that seek to destroy the life we know, we are at war against each other by virtue of how we think, believe and vote. We declare on everything and anyone who doesn't fit our set beliefs of life. More so, we seem to battle ourselves at almost every moment, a conflict based upon the false notion that we're small and insignificant, separate from each other and the world at large. We think that we're under attack from all sides, believing that life is unfair, difficult, and few, if anyone, truly care about us.
yes, peace is truly impossible this way.
but here's the plan:
peace is inevitable...yet only when we offer peace/
and it begins with you.
change the world through the very thoughts you hold right now. Just be aware of the conflicting ideas we entertain against ourselves and others. Then forgive them all. That's it. Forgiveness here simply means that we see through the illusions our thoughts have created, that the world perceived is not the true world, only a mirage of ideas that we've projected outwards. You are an agent of peace. But only as you're healed and that begins right now.
war is not inevitable.
yet peace is.
and this is what we now offer.
to ourselves, and each other, one moment at a time.
Love, Eric
To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Could I Be At Peace?
Also, please visit to buy: The Power of Choosing Peace
Thank you.