Thursday, October 17, 2024

True Perception

True perception: 

so we could say that forgiveness is simply true perception, a short cut through illusions to the reality of original innocence, a means of seeing what is deeper than our errors. How we perceive each other now is through a wounded and fearful mind. We have projected our hurt upon the world, creating an illusion of guilt and separation that will only be healed through the gentleness of true perception.

seeing each other as we truly are.

and forgiving...

all along the way.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Our Every Loving Thought

Also, please visit to buy: The Course in Miracle Experiment

Thank you.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Every Loving Thought

Every loving thought: 

it's pretty simple, easy even, and yet even at this point it's still difficult to remember - A Course in Miracles very succinctly tells me that every loving thought is true and that everything else is an appeal for help and healing, regardless of the form it takes. 

that's it.

the entirety of my forgiving path. 

I am here only to love.

to be kind.

this, of course, is only difficult to practice from the ego's perspective, as it perceives every confrontation as a personal challenge to be overcome by force. But true power comes from gentleness, and the ability to love myself and through every interaction provides an unshakable invulnerability in the face of everything that appears as an attack. To transform these events into an opportunity to witness my own true power of surrender, instantly letting go of even the slightest need to attack - it's indeed a gift, a holy instant, and I am blessed with these moments of practice.   

so my practice:

every loving thought is true.

anything else....

is a simply a reminder.


Love, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Aftereffect

Also, please visit to buy: 52 Ways to Live A Course in Miracles

Thank you. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024



so I wish to do with my life the same as previously done with my writing, a complete surrender to a creativity much greater than my own, a divine talent that guides me purely by inspiration. For several years now I've had faith that just the right words would arrive each morning, no fear of writers block and an assurance that, if patient, the perfect words would always appear. This has paid off with an easiness of writing, relaxed, and a calm sense that these early mornings are meant for listening, a contemplative time, and that writing is simply an aftereffect of my surrender.

and now I wish to offer myself completely...


a contemplative life.

with everything else an aftereffect of my surrender.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Grandeur

Also, please visit to buy: Everything Belongs

Thank you. 

Monday, October 14, 2024



we're simply asked to note the difference, being always the same, yet cloaked through various expression of life and so easily overlooked. A Course in Miracles calls this the grandeur of God versus the grandiosity of ego, how the first causes illusions to drop away and the other brings us deeper into our own self importance. 

grandeur is reality.

it's the absence of an individual sense of self.

and we're left in awe with every notice.

grandiosity is a puff of self worship, it covers a deep despair of loneliness and fear, masking our false belief of separation with forceful bravado. We could just call it ego. It's always small and calls us to display our littleness with a purpose that's harmful to the world, keeping us trapped in illusion that has no room for the actuality of love. 

yet grandiosity will part for the light of truth.

and reality always shines through. 

grandeur is our nature.

it's who we are.

we're simply asked to note the difference between illusion and reality...

choosing only what is real.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Give Away

Also, please visit to buy: Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How it Can Transform Your Life

Thank you.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Give Away

Give away:

at this time in my life I wish for quiet, a contemplative life, and to not rejoin the rush of busyness that seems to accompany today's reality. I'm fortunate with few needs, just the maintenance of a paid home and the bills and taxes that go along with that. However, of course, there is still need of income and I'm attempting to earn this through my own creative means. 

mainly, through talking, if that's at all possible. Honestly, I'm not sure it is, it's a chance as well as opportunity to see if extending love truly provides. I'm both excited and scared to see how this grand experiment of giving and receiving will unfold. 

it's my own surrender experiment.

and now we'll see...

what I truly have to give away.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: One Light

Also, please visit to buy: The Stages of Our Spiritual Journey

Thank you.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

One Light

One light: 

what we're seeing now is an expansion of fear, war spreading through the world, political discord causing neighbors to be distrustful of each other and families split apart over heated issues. I have no answers here, not politically so at least - but I do believe the antidote to fear is love. 

and so that is what I offer.

as best I'm able.

A Course in Miracles states that the opposite of fear is love, yet also, what is all encompassing truly has no opposite and this is all that has to be realized. To get this is to understand the entirety of the Course, and then we only have to live it, demonstrating it to ourselves until; the message spreads further. This is done quietly so, softly, and with the courage of introspection. The inquiry is always in asking if we're extending love or choosing fear, forgiving ourselves for our forgetfulness, and then simply remembering once again to offer only love. 

a simple, easy inquiry.

and life provides the means for our practice.

it seems to me, that this is truly the only way to heal the world. It's up to me, a small part, yes, but it's the first light that extends itself to others. It's up to you, the first light too, and I will accept the love you offer - and in this way we heal the world.

one light at a time. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Bare Essentials

Also, please visit: All Peace, No Pieces

Thank you.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Bare Essentials

Bare essentials: 

it's now reduced to just a few simple things, like the simplicity of breath and the gentle stretch of body, a quiet, contemplative moment or two, kindness to all, gratefulness, and being able to forgive myself and others -that's the entirety of my spiritual path. 

nothing more is needed. 

at a certain point in life, or so it has been for me, everything else is let go of, all but these few essential practices are maintained, and truly, they're not really a practice. They're more an expression of my deepest, surest self that's now offered to the world.

I'm no longer interested in acquiring more knowledge. 

it's time to give myself away

 down to the point of bare essentials.

and live my life from here.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Complete Reversal

Also, please visit to buy: Forgiveness: The Key To Happiness

Thank you.