Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Peace is Inevitable

Peace is inevitable: 

here is is, our solution, and indeed it is so simple - we look upon the world, each other, in peace. That's it, and honestly, there's really nothing more we need to do in order to solve our problems. I know many will accuse me of being naive, and that's a fair point. How could it ever be that easy and yet seem so unfeasible at the same time? As A Course in Miracles states: 

peace is impossible to those who look on war.

and that's the only problem we have, we look upon war as the only possible solution to so many of our most important issues at hand - and this is on a very personal level too. Everything feels like an attack these days. Our political divide is pitted as sides that seek to destroy the life we know, we are at war against each other by virtue of how we think, believe and vote. We declare on everything and anyone who doesn't fit our set beliefs of life. More so, we seem to battle ourselves at almost every moment, a conflict based upon the false notion that we're small and insignificant, separate from each other and the world at large. We think that we're under attack from all sides, believing that life is unfair, difficult, and few, if anyone, truly care about us.

yes, peace is truly impossible this way. 

but here's the plan:

peace is inevitable...yet only when we offer peace/

and it begins with you.

change the world through the very thoughts you hold right now. Just be aware of the conflicting ideas we entertain against ourselves and others. Then forgive them all. That's it. Forgiveness here simply means that we see through the illusions our thoughts have created, that the world perceived is not the true world, only a mirage of ideas that we've projected outwards. You are an agent of peace. But only as you're healed and that begins right now. 

war is not inevitable. 

yet peace is.

and this is what we now offer.

to ourselves, and each other, one moment at a time. 


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Could I Be At Peace?

Also, please visit to buy: The Power of Choosing Peace

Thank you.


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Could I Be At Peace?

Could I be at Peace: 

not every lesson's easy, in fact, most are far from it, and many are so subtle that we miss the learning opportunity they present to us all together.  Those are the ones I'm writing about here, the ones we instantly react to and then justify our response as the proper action. The problem is that we seldom even pose a question to ourselves over these matters - we assume that our thoughts would never lead us astray, and then continuing with our demands that the world behave a certain way.Completely missing an opportunity to learn.

the lesson in everything is simply this - 

could I be at peace with how things are right now? 

not everything needs to bend to my will, my every demand doesn't have to be met. I could be at peace by letting go of my incessant need to control any given situation. The truth is, it's called inner-peace for a reason, it's my interior view that shapes my outlook of the world and never the other way around. Seeing this I am able to practice an easy self-inquiry in many of these opportunities, not always immediately or successful - but getting better all the time.

it's simple,

could I be at peace with how things are right now?

it's with this that I pause,

just for a moment,

and then allow my heart to answer.

it seems the answer is almost always yes, 

or I'm guided on a better course of action. 

 and so with this...

my every encounter is a practice.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Higher Academy of Learning

Also, please visit to buy: How To Choose Peace

Thank you. 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Academy of Higher Learning

Academy of higher learning: 

it's contradictory, extremely so, and yet lesson 153 of A Course in Miracles urges us to lay our defensiveness aside, surrendering to an ever present peace - and trust that we're protected. This certainly seems a difficult task, maybe even impossible. 

but it's what I intend to do.

of at least practice.

and largely I've been successful, mostly for the small things, such as not taking offense over every seeming slight that's counter to my ego's demand of always being right. I've learned to let go, smiling is a sincere practice now, and I rest in the comfort of this surrender. Of course sometimes it feels like I'm attending a graduate school of defenselessness, an academy of higher learning designed specifically to draw my attention to every single hidden fear and flaw, bringing me to the depth of my own self-involvement, and then asking me to forgive my way through these difficult situations.

I do my best here.

seeing everything, each stress filled moment, as a practice.

even my own self-judgement. 

and happily...

forgive my way through them.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Squirrel's Tail

Also, please visit to buy: Dark Night of the Soul

Thank you. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

A Squirrel's Tale

A squirrel's tail: 

squirrels have recently become cherished spiritual teachers to me, since I began filming short nature clips for my YouTube channel they have reached out with all important lessons that I've most certainly needed to learn right now. What I'm learning is to not overlook the familiar, everyday sights that may have seemed to lose their enchantment, becoming ordinary through the routine of their appearance.

squirrels show me that nature is far from ordinary.

and not to overlook a single thing.

the issue was never really squirrels of course, they've always been amazing. It's been my take on the world that has led to my loss of enchantment. I've been looking for a less obvious magic, something grand that leaps directly to the camera - and all the while entirely missing the subtle artistry of a tails language, a playfulness that's found through racing circles with a friend, and the astonished joy of a finding a leaf buried acorn. 

briefly, I'm seeing the world through a squirrel's eyes.

completely re-enchanted.

what I've learned is is patience and to ease my demands placed upon nature. If I simply wait, camera calmly trained upon a squirrel, they'll freely teach me their magic. My role is only to suspend my judgement against the familiar, allowing the most obvious and ordinary things of the world to reveal their essence, their beauty, through their own subtle language. a squirrel's tail.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: It Starts Right Now

Also, please visit to buy: The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life

Thank you.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

It Starts Right Now

It starts right now: 

it's always going to be a collective awakening, eventually though, and depending upon each of us to finally confront ourselves in how we view the world, turning within and ending the projections of our fears. So it begins individually, personally, and starting right now.

for all of us.

and the way ahead will be forgiveness, how we'll learn to see beyond the ego's demands for self -righteousness, retribution, and holding on to grievances. True forgiveness is looking past our surface concern of proving others wrong, and through it's practice the ego's role of keeping us separate, fearful and seemingly alone is now diminished. 

we're healed.

awakening as love.

and this is what we offer to the world.

it starts right now.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Guidepost 

Also, please visit to buy: Healing Ourselves, Healing the World

Friday, November 15, 2024



yoga psychology explains it as afflictions of the mind, five kleshas, or obstacles that prevent us from seeing our lives more clearly, blocking reality from our view. Reading of this years ago brought a great sigh of relief to me. I wasn't really lost, lonely, and confused - but I certainly thought that I was and yoga presented me a path through the thick weeds of my mind that would lead me towards the bright field of a peaceful and settled reality. 

more so...

I saw that others were trapped as well, some not even seeing the path. 

here is the birthplace of compassion.


we're all trapped within a thought-filled illusion, offering our perceptions as a map through wilderness of the mind, and only getting further away from the clear light of who we truly are. But there are signpost along the way, internal guides that point us in the right direction. Here's the true map, a sense of reality - only love is real, and anything the leads us further away from this is wrong and keeps us mired within a illusory world. Our suffering, and the suffering of others is a guidepost. The only map we need is of the heart - asking ourselves is this where love would lead me? 

ignoring this - 

we are led further from the heart.

 yet listening...

and we find our way home.

exactly where we are.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Radical Responsibility

Also, please visit to buy: The Kleshas

Thank you. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Radical Responsibility

Radical responsibility: 

what I'm asked to practice now is radical responsibility, seeing the world in need of healing and turning towards my own heart and mind for this to happen. This has been tough to arrive to, accepting that I am responsible for all that I see and that I have chosen my response to it - but it's also liberating, freeing me to look within for a true healing that overrides the mistaken reality that's witnessed. It's so much easier to blame others, and easier still to include myself within this blame. 

yet all I'm truly asked to do is heal.

to replace blame with love.

and once's easiest of all to do.


Love, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Soft Economy

Also, please visit to buy: Radical Acceptance

Thank you.